It is our greatest pleasure to announce that Notionhive has won at the 8th Web Excellence Awards for designing the website of Futurenation under the category of “Website Design.”

Which campaign earned us this award?

Project: “Futurenation”

Category: Website Design 

Client: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Bangladesh

Bangladesh is experiencing rapid economic growth, but a large number of young people still struggle to find jobs, especially amid and after the COVID-19 pandemic which posed a major long-term economic threat. 

The Futurenation project is a collaboration between the United Nations Development Programme, Grameenphone, Bangladesh Investment Development Authority, and the Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority, aimed at nurturing future leaders for the country. The coalition aims to harness the potential of the country’s large youth population and turn it into a driving force for the economy, enabling individuals to attain economic self-sufficiency beyond borders. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and with increasing demand for better employment and entrepreneurship opportunities, Futurenation aims to become a leading economic facilitator by providing a comprehensive ecosystem and solutions that connect industry experts and foster economic growth through skill development of future leaders.

The Notionhive team initiated the Futurenation project with the creation of the brand’s visual identity. A thorough research was done on the youth through online forms and physical meetings to understand their perceptions of how they would like to visualize the brand and the website project. The logo and identifier for Futurenation were designed with an eye symbolizing vision and a circular shape symbolizing the world, with economic opportunities for everyone. Following the development of the brand guidelines, the team focused on creating a Futurenation website that caters to the youth and is easily accessible from any device. 

Website Teaser

The Futurenation website was created with a focus on young people and residents of rural areas and was designed to be easily accessible from any device used by the target group. Given the high usage of mobile devices among the younger generation, we ensured that the website is mobile-friendly and can be used with low internet connectivity. To connect with young people, the website features illustration-based content showcasing various aspects of Bangladeshi culture and contains information like training materials for self-assessment, and career programs for graduates, freelancers, and for people with disabilities. As part of the brand guidelines developed by Notionhive, a color palette was selected that is also suitable for colorblind individuals, as well as a brand template for the website. 

What is the Web Excellence Awards?

The Web Excellence Awards is an annual international competition that awards notable media projects in various categories such as website development, advertising and marketing, mobile apps, video and podcasts, social media, and more. This year, the competition saw more than 1,200 entries from 39 countries around the world, including the US, Australia, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, The Netherlands, India, Ireland, Germany, the UK, and so on.